Diabetic Shoes | Braces/ Supports | Compression

Diabetic Shoes

Chicago Diabetic/ Comfort Shoes

The diabetic foot requires special footwear to promote optimal foot health. Diabetic shoes are made with extra depth to accommodate heat-moldable inserts that are made to prevent the development of ulcers and calluses. Medicare and some private insurances cover shoes annually for those diagnosed with Diabetes and a qualifying condition.

Our certified fitters will fit you for your shoes and inserts, and help you make a shoe selection that is right for you. Additionally, if you suffer from other conditions such as swelling, plantar fasciitis, “flat feet”, or require wide widths we have footwear to meet your needs!


Compression Socks/ Therapy

If you travel often, work on your feet, or are extremely active, compression therapy is for you.! Graduated compression socks promote circulation and reduce swelling, and are a great way to combat leg pain and varicose veins. Additionally, those suffering from lymphedema, peripheral vascular disease, and other conditions can benefit from compression garments as well.

Let one of our certified fitters properly measure you for a compression option that fits you!


Braces & Supports

We offer a range of braces and supports from the neck to the ankle. Our fitters will measure you and help you select an over-the-counter option that will meet your needs, or make sure your physician-ordered item fits properly!


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